
i'll make a man out of you翻譯在PTT/mobile01評價與討論,在ptt社群跟網路上大家這樣說

在i'll make a man out of you翻譯這個產品中,有超過5篇Ptt貼文,作者changtai也提到 電腦用HDMI線接電視當電腦螢幕 畫面顯示沒問題 問題是切換到電視畫面後 再切回來 會發現沒有訊號 只有直接把電腦重新開機才能解決 有沒有人碰過同樣的情況的? -- No temptation except what all people experience has laid hold of you . God will not permit y...

此外,另一位作者leokoung也提到 最近想購入新電視, 查詢比對幾台後覺得這台價格不錯, 又有無線連結功能, 想問版上大大此台評價如何? 又是否有可能的選擇呢? 感謝! -- Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get。 -- ◆ From:

i'll make a man out of you翻譯在ptt上的文章推薦目錄

i'll make a man out of you翻譯的PTT 評價、討論一次看

[問題] 用電視接HDMI當電腦螢幕 切換問題

-- No temptation except what all people experience has laid hold of you . God will not permit you to be tempted beyond your ability but will .

[討論] 摩斯漢堡真的值得那麼貴?

- If you have a heartbeat, There’s still time for your dreams. Time is our most valuable asset, Make the best of every moment. #JUSTFULOVE -- 拍謝~已改XDD

[食記] 澳洲 麥當勞 BLT大麥克

打開,印著 A classic with a twist You know you love the taste of the original Big Mac but just feel like a little bit extra? 嗯!

[問題] 數位天線底座磁鐵對電視有影響嗎?

-- The world ain't all sunshine n rainbows.It's a very mean n nasty place. N it'll beat u to ur knees n keep u there permanently if u let it. You,me or nobody's gon hit as hard as life.

[問題] LK450

-- Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get。 -- ◆ From:

i'll make a man out of you翻譯關鍵字相關的推薦文章

