
rascal does not dream of a dreaming girl在PTT/mobile01評價與討論,在ptt社群跟網路上大家這樣說

在rascal does not dream of a dreaming girl這個產品中,有超過5篇Ptt貼文,作者changtai也提到 電腦用HDMI線接電視當電腦螢幕 畫面顯示沒問題 問題是切換到電視畫面後 再切回來 會發現沒有訊號 只有直接把電腦重新開機才能解決 有沒有人碰過同樣的情況的? -- No temptation except what all people experience has laid hold of you . God will not permit y...

此外,另一位作者tn也提到 家裡的雜牌電漿(但當初也買11萬)用了九年,想趁今年換掉, 一直想直上至少55吋以上的電視。 恰巧最近一些百貨公司的Sharp專櫃好像都正在汰換展示機,其中看了一台LC-60XF3DT, 但回家後在網路上查了些資料還是有許多疑問。 1. 櫃員說是買了半年多的機器,那樣算起來應該也有2000 hr+了。原訂價159k但展示機 要算我120k加送兩支3D眼鏡,且仍有兩年保固。我看型錄上標示...

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[問題] 用電視接HDMI當電腦螢幕 切換問題

-- No temptation except what all people experience has laid hold of you . God will not permit you to be tempted beyond your ability but will .

[新聞] 美國速食店逐漸走向高價餐點路線

"Value" meals – sandwich, soda and French fry combinations priced at $5 or less — have long been a staple of fast-food offerings.

[問題] SONY電視壞了求推薦

-- I love you not because of who you are,   but because of who I am when I am with you. { 我愛你不是因為你是誰,而是我在你面前可以是誰。} --

Fw: [情報] Apple TV app is now available on all Android TV devi

The list includes your traditional streaming box/stick including the likes of Xiaomi as well as TVs from TCL, Hisense, and other brands.

[問題] Sharp AQUOS LC-60XF3DT的展示品這個價

-- I - with my eyes burning much more strongly than Robert De Niro's in "The Taxi Driver", my heart not more restless than a soldier boy facing death on battleline - started the engine of the bike I stole

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